What is included in Kid Talk Curriculum?
1. The 14-week Kid Talk Curriculum (28 hours of Lesson Plans)
2. The Our Story Memory Book*
3. A one-page curriculum summary for each session
4. A Leader’s Guide to each session and Our Story page with detailed instructions
5. A Supply List for each session
6. Photocopy ready pages of supplemental materials
7. An activity locator for easy reference
8. An Appendix with templates for handouts and tools.
a. A theme-based snack list
b. Kid Talk Supply Pantry with URLs
c. A Resource List with internet links included
d. Sample Registration and Sign-In Sheets and more
*The Our Story Memory Book is designed to assist the children to give voice to their thoughts and feelings, as well as to document their story. It can be interactive with an adult “helper” (facilitator) and with other children in the group. It can serve as a springboard for conversation at home. Every effort is made for children to treasure their memory book. It can be an invaluable help to them as they recycle their grief in adolescence and in later years, enabling them to reconnect with their once fresh feelings and perspective of their loss.